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Back Again....Again Again...

Writer's picture: MerMer

Updated: Sep 6, 2018

Remember my last post where I was all, "hey, I've been away for a while because of blah blah blah kids and now I'm back again!" and then I went away, again? Sorry about that! As it turns out, my reasons for lack of posts last time still hold up this time - KIDS ARE HARD! I was forever pregnant with my second little boy and finally birthed him in January, four days PAST my due date. I've never been so happy to not be pregnant in my life!

“So life goes on. My kiddos are hilarious and exhausting and sweet and sometimes jerks, but growing too quickly. I'm back to my day job and selling lipstick on the side.”

So that was pretty time consuming, on account of the healing vajay and the newborn and the toddler who also requires feedings and help with the potty. Crazily enough, I decided that I wasn't completely overwhelmed yet and I started a new business selling lipstick. Then, as if life wasn't challenging enough, I took a roundhouse kick to the face when my sister unexpectedly passed away in February. Then two weeks ago, my 21 year old cat died.

Sooooooo, I have not been writing for the enjoyment of others so much as trying to keep my head above water and deal with all of that shit. On top of the loads of shit produced by my infant and toddler who poops in the potty but still needs everyone in the house to come look at it before he flushes. I'm just knee deep in shit right now.

BUT, today I went back to work full-time and my baby started daycare with his big brother. I cried on the way to work but got it together and I've only called once and stopped in at lunch to check on him. Turns out, I'm much more concerned about the situation than he is. When I walked into the room to see how he was holding-up after being away from Mommy ALL MORNING for the first time in his little life, he looked at me and farted. Huh.

So life goes on. My kiddos are hilarious and exhausting and sweet and sometimes jerks, but growing too quickly. I'm back to my day job and selling lipstick on the side. I've found that I have become extremely efficient the past three months when I only worked for an hour or two each morning with baby. I came into work and accomplished everything I needed to within one hour. So now I have time to write a bit, while I pump breastmilk and pray the UPS driver doesn't walk into my office. I'm back, hopefully this time for good. Thanks for sticking in here with me!

P.S. I've added a new feature! There is a tab on the top of your screen that says 'THIS IS TWO' - click on it, and you can see my twitter feed. I often have super funny things to say about my two boys, but infrequently enough to write a whole blog about it. You can follow my twitter @thisistwo1216 to see these posts every time I make them!

P.P.S. Lipstick, you say? OF COURSE I'm going to plug my new business here, too! It's my page, I can do what I want to! :) Not just lipstick, but LipSense is an amazing new product that I've started selling. Check out the link to find out allllll the great stuff about it and order some!

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