Wear your seatbelts, friends. This morning I was hit head-on by an impaired driver while going 40 MPH; I don’t know how fast he was going, but I had zero time to react or brake. I had just dropped my babies off at daycare minutes earlier. The accident was, and remains, terrifying. #panicattacks Two things saved my life today: my seatbelt, and the engine dropping out of my car upon impact so it was not pushed into the dash, and me. I have a broken foot, knee, and ribs. I was cut out of my vehicle, while the driver of the pickup that hit me walked away nearly unscathed. I’m bruised and battered, and have been through one surgery today already. Miraculously, I have no head or face injuries (read: am I still pretty?! ) and I am ALIVE and still super funny. I’m eternally grateful that my babies were not in the car with me. I’ve had amazing care from the first responders all the way to my current nursing staff. My family deserves awards for their love and support today. Hold your loved ones a little tighter tonight, and send a little good juju my way for a quick recovery.
XO -Mer